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Meetings and Workshops

Meeting with Right To Public Services Commission, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Dr. Maryam Bibi, Chief Executive Khwendo  Kor and Mr. Khalid Usman Director Operations Khwendo Kor, visited the RTPSC Head Office and met with Mr. Muhammad Salim Khan Chief Commissioner RTPSC.  Dr. Maryam Bibi appreciated the procedures and services of the commission.  |


Bridging the digital gender divide in Pakistan developing of a gender inclusive digital strategy PTA

Ms. Sabah and Mr. Noman Sanam represented Khwendo Kor in a one day consultative workshop which was on the inclusion of female in information and communication technologies (ICTs).
Objectives of workshop:
  1. Identifying and drafting of specific measures that can be initiated by PTA to address the digital gender divide in Pakistan and support women’s connectivity.
  2. Identifying and connections with core stakeholders whose collective action can help to reduce the gender digital divide.
  3. Creation of mechanisms for effective and coordination joint efforts between the stakeholders.
The consultant was Ms. Sadaf Khan from UNESCO Pakistan.

Consultative meeting on national policy on ending violence against women

Ms. Daimeen Gul represented Khwendo Kor in a one day consultative meeting on national policy on ending violence against women. This event was organized by UN Women at venue Shelton’s Rezidor
Professor Dr Suhail Shahzad – UN Women Expert and Mr. Shahzad Director International Cooperation Wing of Ministry of Human Rights Pakistan, presented the vision of Human rights ministry to the audience. The need and purpose of drafting a national policy for prevention of violence against women was elaborated through an interactive session. Framework of the national policy on “EVAW” was introduced, mainly;
1. Prevention
2. Response/ protection and Rehabilitation
3. Implementation with citizens/sate
4. Evaluation, monitoring and Reporting
The participants were requested to present any of the sub section of national policy frame work. Third sub-section “EVAW policy implementation with citizen/state “was presented by the Ms. Daimeen Gul (PDO Khwendo Kor). The PDO identified various gaps in “violence prevention” policy implementation and suggested recommendations to be incorporated in national policy.