Structure of BoD Sub Committees:
There are three types of committees under the BoD i.e. Executive Committee, Advisory Committee and special Committee. The ToRs of each committee is attached.
01. Executive Committee: (Click here to Download Executive Commitee TORs)
Executive Committee (EC) shall comprise of four members Chairperson, Vice chairperson, One BoD member nominated by the chairperson as required and chief executive. The committee will take decision on urgent matters.
02. Advisory Committees:
Advisory Committees shall comprise of Chair of the committee from BoD/GB, External Advisor and relevant staff member. There are two types of Advisory Committees as follows;
2.1. Finance and Audit Committee: (Click here to Download Executive Commitee TORs)
- Two GB/ BoD members (excluding executive directors / members) with knowledge of finance and audit on of whom will act as Chairperson.
- An external expert on finance as advisor.
- CE/ Director Operations will attend without any voting rights.
- Internal Auditor – Secretary of the Committee.
2.2. Special / Ad-hoc committee
Special committee shall be constituted by EC for a specific task with the recommendation of Management committee and BoD.